WTVI/54 and KSTM/36 - Week of October 25, 1953
Fortunately, the St. Louis Globe-Democrat's entire television listings section for the first week of KSTM's operation was found intact in online newspaper archives. WTVI had been on the air 2½ months at that point, and they were by then carrying more network programs, both from DuMont and CBS. To show how the three networks were receiving clearances on the two UHFs and NBC primary affiliate KSD-TV at that point, we have recreated the grid of network programs on ABC, CBS and DuMont from The TV Schedule Book by Harry Castleman and Walter J. Podrazik. Network programs carried on channel 54 have a blue background, on channel 36 a yellow background, and on channel 5 a pink background; any shows carried via kinescope are also listed in red type. Any time period where there was no network programming available is indicated by == and all times are Central.
We offer this as an insight as to what typically happened when stations had primary and secondary network affiliations, sometimes having to choose between offerings and at other times airing shows on kinescope outside of prime-time. It should be noted that even programs from a station's primary network were often left unseen in the market.
6:00 |
6:30 |
7:00 |
7:30 |
8:00 |
8:30 |
9:00 |
9:30 |
Sun |
You Asked For It |
Notre Dame Football |
Walter Winchell
Orchid Award (8:15) |
Juke Box Jury |
Hour of Decision |
Mon |
John Daly and the News (6:15) |
Jamie |
Sky King |
Of Many Things |
Junior Press Conference |
The Big Picture |
This Is The Life |
== |
Tue |
John Daly and the News (6:15) |
Cavalcade Of America |
== |
Make Room For Daddy (Saturday 12:00am) |
TV Hour (listed as Theater Guild On Air) |
The Name's The Same |
Wed |
John Daly and the News (6:15) |
Mark Saber |
At Issue |
Answers For Americans |
Take It From Me |
Dr. IQ |
Wrestling From Chicago (to midnight) |
Thu |
John Daly and the News (6:15) |
The Lone Ranger (Saturday 4:00pm) |
Quick As A Flash |
Where's Raymond? |
Back That Fact |
Kraft Television Theater |
== |
Fri |
John Daly and the News (6:15) |
Stu Erwin (Sunday 5:30pm) |
Ozzie And Harriet (Thursday 7:30pm) |
Pepsi Cola Playhouse (Friday 11:45pm) |
Pride Of The Family |
The Comeback Story |
Showcase Theater |
== |
Sat |
Paul Whiteman's TV Teen Club |
Leave It To The Girls |
Talent Patrol |
Music From Meadowbrook |
Saturday Night Fights |
Madison Square Garden Highlights |
== |
- KSTM also carried The George Jessel Show live at 5:30pm Sunday.
- There was a discrepancy in the listings for KSTM for Wednesday, October 28: From 7:30 until 9:00, the Globe-Democrat identified programming as originating from ABC which did not match the network schedule (and were not even listed on any of the four networks' schedules).
6:00 |
6:30 |
7:00 |
7:30 |
8:00 |
8:30 |
9:00 |
9:30 |
Sun |
Life With Father |
Jack Benny |
Toast Of The Town (Tuesday 10:00pm) |
Fred Waring |
Man Behind The Badge (Tuesday 11:15pm) |
The Web (Tuesday 11:45pm) |
What's My Line (Sunday 11:30pm) |
Mon |
== |
CBS News (to 6:45)* |
Burns And Allen (Wednesday 7:30pm) |
Arthur Godfrey's Talent Scouts (Saturday 11:30pm) |
I Love Lucy (Friday 8:00pm) |
Red Buttons (Monday 11:45pm) |
Studio One (Monday 10:00pm) |
Tue |
== |
CBS News (to 6:45)* |
Gene Autry |
Red Skelton |
This Is Show Business |
Suspense (Saturday 11:00pm) |
Danger (Thursday 11:15pm) |
See It Now |
Wed |
== |
CBS News (to 6:45)* |
Arthur Godfrey (Sunday 10:00pm) |
Strike It Rich |
I've Got A Secret |
Blue Ribbon Bouts |
Thu |
== |
CBS News (to 6:45)* |
Meet Mr. McNutley (Sunday 4:00pm) |
Four Star Playhouse |
Lux Video Theater |
Big Town |
Philip Morris Playhouse |
City Hospital |
Fri |
== |
CBS News (to 6:45)* |
Mama (Monday 8:00pm) |
Topper |
Schlitz Playhouse Of Stars (Wednesday 10:30pm) |
Our Miss Brooks (Sunday 12:00am) |
My Friend Irma |
Person To Person |
Sat |
Meet Millie |
Beat The Clock |
Jackie Gleason |
Two For The Money |
My Favorite Husband |
Medallion Theater (Tuesday 8:30pm) |
Revlon Mirror Theater (Tuesday 9:00pm) |
- WTVI also carried Omnibus live at 4:00pm Sunday.
- CBS News was followed by Perry Como on Mondays/Wednesdays/Fridays (which was not cleared in St. Louis until WTVI picked it up later in the season) and Jane Froman on Tuesdays/Thursdays (which KSD-TV cleared via kinescope on Mondays only at 6:00pm).
DuM |
6:00 |
6:30 |
7:00 |
7:30 |
8:00 |
8:30 |
9:00 |
9:30 |
Sun |
== |
Opera Cameos |
== |
Rocky King |
The Plainsclothesman |
Dollar A Second |
Man Against Crime |
Mon |
Captain Video (5:45pm) |
== |
Twenty Questions |
The Big Issue |
Boxing From Eastern Parkway |
Tue |
Captain Video (5:45pm) |
== |
Life Is Worth Living |
Pantomime Quiz |
== |
Wed |
Captain Video (5:45pm) |
== |
Johns Hopkins Science Review (Sunday 7:30pm) |
Joseph Schildkraut Presents |
Col. Humphrey Flack |
On Your Way |
Stars On Parade |
The Music Show |
Thu |
Captain Video (5:45pm) |
== |
N.Y. Giants Quarterback Huddle |
Broadway To Hollywood Headline Clues |
What's The Story |
Author Meets The Critics (Wednesday 9:00pm) |
The Big Idea |
== |
Fri |
Captain Video (5:45pm) |
== |
Front Page Detective |
Melody Street (Thursday 8:00pm) |
Life Begins At 80 |
Nine-Thirty Curtain |
Chance Of A Lifetime |
Down You Go |
Sat |
== |
National Football League Pro Football |
- WTVI also carried NFL Pro Football live at 1:00pm Sunday and Wrestling From Chicago live at 10:00pm Saturday.
For comparison purposes, here is the grid showing KSD-TV's clearances of NBC programs that same week. It is notable that NBC did not offer uncleared programs to WTVI, although in all but two cases channel 54 likely could have provided live clearance for same:
6:00 |
6:30 |
7:00 |
7:30 |
8:00 |
8:30 |
9:00 |
9:30 |
Sun |
Paul Winchell |
Mr. Peepers |
Colgate Comedy Hour |
Goodyear/Philco Television Playhouse |
Letter To Loretta |
Man Against Crime |
Mon |
== |
Music *
Camel News Caravan (6:45) |
Name That Tune |
Voice Of Firestone |
RCA Victor Show |
Robert Montgomery Lucky Strike Theater |
Who Said That? |
Tue |
== |
Music *
Camel News Caravan (6:45) |
Buick Berle Show* |
Fireside Theater |
Armstrong Circle Theater |
Judge For Yourself |
Bob Considine
It Happened In Sports (9:45) |
Wed |
== |
Music *
Camel News Caravan (6:45) |
I Married Joan |
My Little Margie |
Kraft Television Theater |
This Is Your Life |
== |
Thu |
== |
Music *
Camel News Caravan (6:45) |
You Bet Your Life |
Treasury Men In Action |
Dragnet |
Ford Theater |
Martin Kane |
== |
Fri |
== |
Music *
Camel News Caravan (6:45) |
Dave Garroway |
The Life Of Riley |
The Big Story |
Campbell TV Soundstage |
Gillette Cavalcade Of Sports |
Sat |
Mr. Wizard |
Ethel And Albert |
Bonino |
Ted Mack's Original Amateur Hour |
All Star Revue* |
Your Hit Parade |
- From the weekday NBC daytime schedule, KSD-TV cleared Today, Kate Smith, Welcome Travelers and Howdy Doody (all live) plus Ding Dong School and Glamour Girl (both live, on Fridays only). From CBS, they carried Arthur Godfrey (except Fridays, which Godfrey had off), Strike It Rich, the four 15-minute soaps (Valiant Lady, Love Of Life, Search For Tomorrow, and Guiding Light) and I'll Buy That live, plus Garry Moore, Art Linkletter, Double Or Nothing and The Big Payoff via kinescope.
- Camel News Caravan was preceded by Arthur Murray on Mondays (cleared Wednesdays at 6:00pm via kinescope), Dinah Shore on Tuesdays/Thursdays, and Eddie Fisher on Wednesdays/Fridays (both cleared live).
- It is presumed that, since Bob Hope alternated with Milton Berle on Tuesdays and All Star Revue alternated with Your Show Of Shows on Saturdays, KSD-TV carried all four shows.
- KSD-TV also carried Meet The Press at 5:00pm Sundays and NCAA Football at 1:00pm Saturdays, both live.
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