Channel : Bibliography

The author has a semi-photographic memory and, believe it
or not, has told the DuMont tale so often that he initially composed
this Web site from memory without consulting his reference materials.
However, many sources have been paraphrased in telling the DuMont story.
Here are a few which will piece the story together for interested
Bergmann, Ted and Skutch, Ira.
The DuMont Television Network: What Happened?
Lanham, MD: Scarecrow Press, 2002.
ISBN: 0-8108-4270-X
Brooks, Tim and Marsh, Earle.
The Complete Directory to Prime-Time Network and Cable TV Shows, 1946-Present.
New York: Ballantine Books, 1995. (6th edition, revised)
ISBN 0-3453-9736-3
Castleman, Harry and Podrazik, Walter J.
Watching TV.
New York: McGraw-Hill Books, 1982.
ISBN 0-0701-0268-6
Frank, Sam.
Buyer's Guide to Fifty Years of TV on Video.
Amherst, NY: Prometheus Books, 1999.
ISBN 1-5739-2226-9
Fulton, Roger and Betancourt, John.
The Sci-Fi Channel Encyclopedia of TV Science Fiction.
New York: Warner Books, 1998.
ISBN 0-4466-7478-8
Goldenson, Leonard H. and Wolf, Marvin J.
Beating The Odds.
New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1991.
ISBN 0-6841-9055-9
Heldenfels, R.D.
Television's Greatest Year: 1954.
New York: Continuum Publishing, 1994.
ISBN 0-8264-0675-0
Hess, Gary Newton.
An Historical Study of the DuMont Television Network.
New York: Ayer Publishers, 1979.
ISBN 0-4051-1758-2
Hinds, Lynn Boyd.
Broadcasting The Local News.
University Park, Pa.: Pennsylvania State University Press, 1995.
ISBN 0-2710-1438-5
Hyatt, Wesley.
The Encyclopedia of Daytime Television.
New York: Billboard Books, 1997.
ISBN 0-8230-8315-2
Kisseloff, Jeff.
The Box: An Oral History of Television, 1920-1961.
New York: Penguin Books, 1997.
ISBN 0-6708-6470-6
McNeil, Alex.
Total Television: The Comprehensive Guide to Programming from 1948 to the Present.
New York: Penguin Books, 1996.
ISBN 0-1402-4916-8
Steinberg, Cobbit S.
TV Facts.
New York: Facts on File, 1980.
ISBN 0-8719-6312-4
Terrace, Vincent.
The Complete Encyclopedia of Television Programs, 1947-1976. (3 volumes)
Cranbury, NJ: A.S. Barnes, 1976.
ISBN unavailable
The Story of Television.
Clifton, NJ: Allen B. DuMont Laboratories, 1953.
ISBN unavailable
Wilk, Max.
The Golden Age of Television.
Mount Kisco, NY: Moyer Bell Limited, 1989.
ISBN 1-5592-1000-1
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