2 Introduction
3 Stations
4 Pittsburgh
5 Programming
7 Finale
8 Legacy
9 Others
10 Links
11 Bibliography
12 Feedback
13 More Feedback
14 Programs (A-L)
15 Programs (M-Z)
16 News and Sports
17 Electronicam
20 MBC
21 Rocky King
22 Locations
23 Affiliates (1949)
24 A Trail of Bleached Bones
25 More Bleached Bones
26 Notes on Bleached Bones
27 WDTV's Log Books

Appendix One: Programs (A-L)

Here is a listing of regularly-scheduled DuMont network programs and air dates, primarily from the prime-time evening schedule, transcribed from various sources. It is often difficult to distinguish between network shows and those which only aired locally on DuMont's WABD-TV in New York City. (For example, Manhattan Spotlight, hosted by DuMont staff announcer Chuck Tranum, was seen only sporadically on the rest of the network.) Most programs originated from New York, but those which originated elsewhere are noted, where known (it is hard to imagine network programs today originating from Pittsburgh or Cincinnati!) Alternate titles for programs are indicated in parentheses. The author knows that this listing is incomplete, and welcomes any additions or corrections.

How many of these shows do you remember? Please E-mail the author with your thoughts and recollections.

Click on any of the small TV screens to view larger.


Admiral Broadway Revue, The, 1/28/49 - 6/3/49 (variety), simulcast on DuMont and NBC
Adventure Playhouse, 4/50 - 5/50 (movies)
Adventures of Ellery Queen, The, 10/9/50 - 12/6/51 (drama)
Adventures of Oky Doky (Oky Doky Ranch), 11/4/48 - 5/26/49 (children)
Al Morgan Show, The, 9/5/49 - 8/30/51 (music), from Chicago
And Everything Nice, 3/8/49 - 1/9/50 (discussion)
Armed Forces Hour, The, 2/4/51 - 5/6/51 (public affairs)
Arthur Murray Show (Party), The, 10/15/50 - 3/11/51 and 10/12/52 - 4/26/53 (variety)
Author Meets the Critics, The, 1/10/52 - 10/10/54 (discussion)


Battle of the Ages, 1/1/52 - 6/17/52 (game)
Better Living T.V. Theater, 4/21/54 - 8/29/54 (documentary)
Bigelow Theater, 12/10/50 - 6/3/51 (drama)
Big Idea, The, 12/15/52 - 10/22/53 (documentary)
Birthday Party (King Cole's Birthday Party), 5/15/47 - 6/23/49 (children)
Blind Date, 6/9/53 - 9/15/53 (game)
Boxing from Eastern Parkway, 5/52 - 5/54 (sports)
Boxing from St. Nicholas Arena, 5/54 - 8/56 (sports), the last program to be aired on the DuMont network, with its final network telecast occurring on 8/6/56
Bowling Headliners, 11/13/49 - 4/9/50 (sports)
Broadway to Hollywood (Headline Clues), 7/20/49 - 7/15/54 (variety)


Cafe de Paris, 1/17/49 - 3/4/49 (music)
Captain Video and His Video Rangers, 6/27/49 - 4/1/55 (children)
Cases of Eddie Drake, The, 3/6/52 - 5/29/52 (drama)
Cash And Carry, 6/20/46 - 7/1/47 (game)
Cavalcade of Bands, 1/17/50 - 9/25/51 (music)
Cavalcade if Stars, 6/4/49 - 9/26/52 (variety)
Champagne and Orchids, 9/6/48 - 1/10/49 (music)
Chicagoland (Mystery) Players, The, 9/11/49 - 7/23/50 (drama), from Chicago
Chicago Symphony, 1/6/54 - 4/6/55 (music), from Chicago
Chance of a Lifetime, 9/11/53 - 6/17/55 (talent)
Charade Quiz, 11/27/47 - 6/23/49 (game)
Charlie Wild, Private Detective, 3/13/52 - 6/19/52 (drama)
Cinema Varieties, 9/49 - 11/49(movies)
Colonel Humphrey Flack (The Fabulous Fraud), 10/7/53 - 7/2/54 (comedy)
Concert Tonight, 12/30/53 - 3/31/54 and 9/15/54 - 4/6/55 (music), from Chicago
Cosmopolitan Theater, 10/2/51 - 12/25/51 (drama)
Country Style, 7/29/50 - 11/25/50 (music)
Court of Current Issues, 2/7/48 - 6/26/51 (public affairs)
Cut, 6/4/49 - 6/18/49 (game)


Buddy Hackett on Doorway to Fame.

Dark of Night, 10/3/52 - 5/1/53 (drama)
Dinner Date, 1/28/50 - 7/29/50 (music)
Dollar a Second, 9/20/53 - 6/14/54 (game)
Doorway to Fame, 3/7/49 - 7/4/49 (drama)
Dotty Mack Show, The (Girl Alone), 2/16/53 - 8/25/53, from Cincinnati
Down You Go, 5/30/51 - 5/27/55 (game)
Drama at Eight, 7/9/53 - 7/30/53 (drama)
Drew Pearson Show, The, 12/24/52 - 3/18/53 (discussion)


Goodman and Jane, the Easy Aces.

Easy Aces, 12/14/49 - 6/7/50 (comedy)
Elder Michaux, 10/17/48 - 1/9/49 (religious), from Washington


Family Genius, The, 9/9/49 - 9/30/49 (comedy)
Famous Fights from Madison Square Garden, 9/15/52 - 12/22/52 (sports)
Famous Jury Trials, 10/12/49 - 3/12/52 (drama)
Faraway Hill, 10/2/46 - 12/18/46 (drama), the first network TV soap opera
Fashions on Parade, 2/5/48 - 4/24/49 (discussion)
Feature Theatre, 3/49 - 6/49 and 8/49 - 8/50 (movies)
Fishing and Hunting Club (Sports for All), 10/7/49 - 3/31/50 (discussion)
Flight to Rhythm (The Delora Bueno Show), 3/10/49 - 9/22/49 (music)
Football News (New York Giants Football Huddle, New York Giants Quarterback Huddle, Pro Football Highlights), 9/24/52 - 12/17/52 and 10/1/53 - 12/17/53 (sports)
Football This Week, 10/11/51 - 12/6/51 (sports)
Football Sidelines, 10/6/52 - 12/22/52 (sports)
Frontier Theatre, 5/50 - 9/50 (movies)
Front Page Detective, 10/16/53 - 11/13/53 (drama)
Front Row Center, 3/25/49 - 4/2/50 (variety)


The Airmen of Note perform on Guide Right, 1953.

Gallery of Madame Liu-Tsong, The, 8/27/51 - 11/21/51 (drama)
Gamble on Love, 7/16/54 - 8/20/54 (game)
Georgetown University Forum, 7/3/51 - 10/11/53 (public affairs), from Washington
Goldbergs, The, 4/13/54 - 10/19/54 (comedy)
Growing Paynes, The, 10/20/48 - 8/3/49 (comedy)
Gruen Playhouse, 1/17/52 - 8/7/52 (drama)
Guess What?, 7/8/52 - 8/26/52 (game)
Guide Right, 2/25/52 - 2/5/54 (variety)


Happy and Ida Mae Maher, the stars of Happy's Party.

Hands of Murder (Hands of Mystery, Hands of Destiny), 8/24/49 - 12/11/51 (drama)
Happy's Party, 9/6/52 - 5/9/53 (children), the only known network TV series ever to originate from Pittsburgh; DuMont carried the first 30 minutes of this hour-long Saturday-morning program from WDTV
Have A Heart, 5/3/55 - 6/14/55 (game)
Hazel Scott Show, The, 7/3/50 - 9/29/50 (variety), the first network TV series to be hosted by an African-American woman
Hotel Broadway, 1/20/49 - 3/17/49 (variety)


Alec Templeton.

Igor Cassini Show, The, 10/25/53 - 2/28/54 (discussion)
Ilona Massey Show, The, 11/1/54 - 1/3/55 (variety)
Inside Photoplay (Photoplay Time), 1/17/49 - 3/4/49 and 3/7/49 - 7/13/49 (discussion), with Wendy Barrie
International Playhouse, 4/51 - 5/51 and 5/30/51 - 11/14/51 (drama)
It's a Business, 3/19/52 - 5/21/52 (comedy)
It's a Small World, 6/27/53 - 7/27/53 (travel)
It's Alec Templeton Time, 6/3/55 - 8/26/55 (music)


Jacqueline Susann's Open Door, 5/7/51 - 6/18/51 (discussion)
Jimmy Hughes, Rookie Cop, 5/8/53 - 7/3/53 (drama)
Joan Edwards Show, The, 7/4/50 - 10/24/50 (music)
Johnny Jupiter, 3/21/53 - 6/13/53 (children)
Johnny Olson's Rumpus Room, 1/17/49 - 7/4/52 (variety)
Johns Hopkins Science Review, The, 10/3/50 - 4/20/53 (public affairs), from Baltimore
Joseph Schildkraut Presents, 10/28/53 - 1/21/54 (drama)


Keep Posted (The Big Issue), 10/9/51 - 1/18/54 (public affairs)
Key to the Ages, 2/27/55 - 5/22/55 (discussion)
Key to the Missing, 7/4/48 - 9/23/49 (documentary)
Kids and Company, 9/1/51 - 6/1/52 (children)


Ladies Before Gentlemen, 2/28/51 - 5/2/51 (discussion)
Ladies' Date, 10/13/52 - 7/31/53 (variety)
Life Begins at Eighty, 3/21/52 - 7/24/55 (discussion)
Life is Worth Living, 2/12/52 - 4/26/55 (religious)
Love Story, 4/20/54 - 6/29/54 (drama)

Go to Appendix Two: Programs (M-Z)

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