2 Introduction
3 Stations
4 Pittsburgh
5 Programming
7 Finale
8 Legacy
9 Others
10 Links
11 Bibliography
12 Feedback
13 More Feedback
14 Programs (A-L)
15 Programs (M-Z)
16 News and Sports
17 Electronicam
20 MBC
21 Rocky King
22 Locations
23 Affiliates (1949)
24 A Trail of Bleached Bones
25 More Bleached Bones
26 Notes on Bleached Bones
27 WDTV's Log Books

Appendix Five: UCLA

The following is a list of DuMont programs which are known to exist in the UCLA Film and Television Archive, painstakingly compiled by the author by searching for individual DuMont program titles in UCLA's online database. UCLA claims over 300 DuMont titles in its collection; this page lists 314. It is possible, however, that some DuMont programs may have been overlooked by the author or that UCLA may have misidentified some programs, so this list cannot be considered definitive.

This is a listing of network programs only, and does not include those which are known to be only local programs (e.g. airing on DuMont's WABD-TV in New York City). Where doubt exists, air dates have been used as the basis for verifying DuMont network programs, although the air dates listed by UCLA have not been confirmed by any other source. The exact air dates and program titles are included below, where known. In time, more details of each program may be added.

The author has provided this list as a reference to assist in documenting those DuMont programs which have survived and are accessible to the public. You can use the University of California system’s MELVYL catalog to search for other DuMont titles, or E-mail the author if you have any additions or corrections.

The DuMont programs listed in the UCLA database are as follows:

Admiral Broadway Revue - 1 program

A.N.T.A. Album of 1955 - 1 program

Boxing from St. Nicholas Arena - 5 programs
(1/7/56, 4/9/56, 6/11/56, 7/23/56, 8/6/56, plus numerous non-network telecasts continuing into 1957)

Boxing with Dennis James - 3 programs

Captain Video and his Video Rangers - 24 programs

Cavalcade of Stars - 15 programs
(9/16/49, 4/15/50, 4/22/50, 5/20/50, 5/25/50, 6/3/50, 8/19/50, 9/2/50, 6/51, 10/26/51, plus 5 unidentified programs from 1950)

Champagne and Orchids - 2 programs

Charlie Wild, Private Detective - 2 programs
"The Case of the Double Trouble" (listed as 3/5/51, but this air date appears to be in error; may be 3/5/52)
Unidentified program (5/6/52)
Note: 15 programs are listed, but only these two appear to be DuMont network programs.

Colonel Humphrey Flack - 12 programs
"The 8-Ball and the Side Pocket" (10/14/53)
"The Missing Heiress" (11/18/53)
Unidentified program (2/9/54)
9 other unidentified programs

Concert Tonight - 1 program

Dark of Night - 1 program

Doorway to Fame - 2 programs
(3/30/49 and 4/49)

Front Row Center - 1 program

Georgetown University Forum - 1 program
"Is the Government Selling Itself?" (12/13/51)

Goldbergs, The - 21 programs
(5/11/54 - 10/19/54)

Growing Paynes, The - 1 program

Gruen Playhouse - 2 programs
"A Boy Wears a Gun" (5/22/52)
"Bird of Prey" (6/19/52)

Guide Right - 18 programs
(dates not specified)

International Playhouse - 12 programs
"Darkest Hour"
"Desperate Encounter"
"The Last Letter"
"A Man's Wife"
"Million Dollar Mystery"
"The Next Victim"
"A Night to Remember"
"On With the Old"
"The Promise"
"The Scarlet Thread"
"A Simple Case of Murder"
"Young Man's Fancy"
Note: These programs cannot all be confirmed as having aired on the DuMont network.

Jimmy Hughes, Rookie Cop - 1 program
(5/8/53), network premiere

Johns Hopkins Science Review, The - 3 programs
"Great Men of Science" (1951)
"Man Will Conquer Space" (10/7/52)
"It is a Fact" (undated)

Joseph Schildkraut Presents - 1 program
"Nightmare" (11/18/53)

Kids and Company - 1 program

Life is Worth Living - 4 programs
(10/52, 3 unidentified programs from 1955)

Magic Cottage - 1 program

Man Against Crime - 24 programs
"Three Cents Worth of Murder" (10/25/53)
"Time Keepers" (11/1/53)
"Murder in the Rough" (11/8/53)
"Main Bout is Murder" (11/15/53)
"Thirty Dimes" (11/22/53)
"Murder Mountain" (12/6/53)
"A Very Dead Ringer" (12/13/53)
"Cube Root of Evil" (12/16/53)
"Petite Larceny" (12/20/53)
"Don't Feed the Animals" (1/3/54)
"Danger for Duffy" (1/10/54)
"Going, Going, Gone" (1/13/54)
"Terror Twelve Stories High" (1/17/54)
"Holler Uncle" (1/24/54)
"Beauty and the Beasts" (1/31/54)
"Mike's Missing Marbles" (2/21/54)
"Little Boy Blues" (2/24/54)
"Target with Two T's" (3/3/54)
"Will o' the Wisp" (3/7/54)
"U.F.O." (3/17/54)
"Hit and Run" (3/21/54)
"Canary Yellow" (3/28/54)
"Rigged for Murder" (3/31/54)
"Plugged Shilling" (4/4/54)
Note: This series was simulcast on both NBC and DuMont on the air dates shown.

Marge and Jeff - 2 programs

Melody Street - 3 programs
(1/1/54, unidentified program from 1954, and excerpts from another 1954 program)

Morey Amsterdam Show, The - 73 programs
(4/21/49 - 10/12/50)

Newsweek Views the News (Newsweek Analysis) - 2 programs
"Casebook of Treason" (2/27/50)
"The Far East" (4/17/50)

Not for Publication - 12 programs
"The Build-Up" (5/13/51)
"Collins on the Rocks" (3/25/52)
"88 Keys to Escape" (4/1/52)
"Cells of Treachery" (4/5/52)
"The Lost Locket" (4/8/52)
"All the World's a Stage" (4/15/52)
6 unidentified episodes from 1951

Original Amateur Hour, The - 4 programs
(2 programs from 5/49, unidentified program from 1949, and excerpts from another unidentified program)

Passaic: Birthplace of Television and the DuMont Story - 1 program

Paul Dixon Show, The - 1 program
(8/8/51), network premiere

Pulse of the City - 3 programs
"The Case of Bill Huff" (1953)
"The Case of Captain Denning" (1953)
"The Case of Norman Doyle" (1953)

Rocky King, (Inside) Detective - 37 programs
"Right Shoe, Wrong Foot" (6/3/51)
"Murder Scores a Knockout" (7/13/52)
"The Hermit's Cat" (8/31/52)
"Marked for Murder" (11/15/53)
33 unidentified programs from 1951-54

Star Time - 5 programs
(11/21/50, 11/28/50, 1/16/51, 2/6/51, and excerpts from an unidentified program)

Studio 57 - 5 programs
"The Blue Wall"
"Little Miss Bedford"
"My Baby Boy"
"No Sentiment"
"The Secret Darkness"
Note: These programs cannot all be confirmed as having aired on the DuMont network.

Ted Steele Show, The - 1 program
(7/12/49), final show of series

This is Music - 2 programs
(4/51, unidentified program from 1951)

Vincent Lopez Show, The - 1 program

Window on the World - 1 program

You Asked for It - 1 program

Go to Appendix Six: MBC

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