Appendix Two: Programs (M-Z)

Trash or Treasure.
"I...created two cheapo soap operas called One
Man's Experience and One Woman's Experience.
I hated them. I walked out of the studio one day.
Someone said, 'C'mon back, it's not that bad.'
(I replied), 'Yes, it is.'
Larry Menkin, a writer for the DuMont network,
in Jeff Kisseloff's The Box (see Channel Eleven).
Click on any of the small TV screens to view larger.

Magic Cottage, The, 7/18/49 - 9/12/52 (children)
Major Del Conway of the Flying Tigers, 4/14/51 - 5/26/51 and 7/29/51 - 3/2/52 (drama)
Man Against Crime, 10/11/53 - 4/4/54 (drama), simulcast with NBC
Manhattan Spotlight, 1/17/49 - 4/20/51 (discussion)
Marge and Jeff, 9/21/53 - 9/24/54 (comedy)
Mary Kay and Johnny, 11/18/47 - 8/24/48 (comedy)
Meet the Boss, 6/10/52 - 5/12/53 (discussion)
Meet Your Congress, 7/8/53 - 7/4/54 (public affairs)
Melody Street, 9/23/53 - 2/5/54 (music)
Mono-Drama Theater (Monodrama Theater), 5/52 - 12/7/53 (drama), late-night series featuring a single actor per episode, usually delivering a monologue; carried on a limited network basis
Morey Amsterdam Show, The, 4/21/49 - 10/12/50 (variety)
Most Important People, The (Mr. and Mrs. Carroll), 10/18/50 - 4/13/51 (variety)
Music From Chicago, 4/15/51 - 6/17/51 (music), from Chicago
Music Show, The, 5/19/53 - 10/17/54 (music), from Chicago
Mystery Theatre, 9/49 - 3/50 (movies)

Newsweek Views the News (Newsweek Analysis), 11/7/48 - 5/22/50 (discussion)
New York Times Youth Forum, The, 9/14/52 - 6/14/53 (public affairs)
Night Editor, 3/14/54 - 9/8/54 (drama)
Nine Thirty Curtain, 10/13/53 - 1/1/54 (drama)
Not For Publication, 4/27/51 - 8/27/51 and 12/21/51 - 5/27/52 (drama)

A scene from the Original Amateur Hour, 1948.
Okay Mother, 11/1/48 - 7/6/51 (variety), one of the first
daytime network TV shows; the title refers to a catch phrase used by
host Dennis James
Old American Barn Dance, The, 7/5/53 - 9/13/53 (music)
O'Neills, The, 9/6/49 - 1/10/50 (drama)
On Your Way, 9/9/53 - 1/20/54 (game)
Once Upon a Tune, 3/6/51 - 5/15/51 (music)
One Man's Experience (One Man's Story), 10/6/52 - 4/10/53 (drama)
One Minute Please, 7/6/54 - 2/17/55 (game)
One Woman's Experience (One Woman's Story), 10/6/52 - 4/10/53 (drama)
Opera Cameos, 11/8/53 - 1/9/55 (music)
Operation Information, 7/17/52 - 9/18/52 (public affairs)
Operation Success, 9/21/48 - 10/19/48 and 1/27/49 - 6/16/49 (public affairs)
Original Amateur Hour, The, 1/18/48 - 9/25/49 (talent)
Our Secret Weapon: The Truth, 10/22/50 - 4/17/51 (discussion)

Pantomime Quiz, 10/20/53 - 4/13/54 (game)
Paul Dixon Show, The, 9/29/52 - 4/8/55 (variety)
Pentagon, 5/6/51 - 11/24/52 (public affairs)
Pet Shop, The, 12/1/51 - 3/14/53 (discussion)
Photographic Horizons, 1/12/49 - 3/7/49 (discussion)
Pick the Winner, 8/14/52 - 11/52 (discussion), simulcast with CBS
Plainclothesman, The, 10/12/49 - 9/12/54 (drama)
Play the Game, 9/24/46 - 12/17/46 (game), produced by ABC using DuMont's facilities
Power of Women, The, 7/1/52 - 11/11/52 (public affairs)
Program Playhouse, 6/22/49 - 9/14/49 (drama)
Pro Wrestling from Chicago (sports)
Public Prosecutor, 9/6/51 - 2/28/52 (drama)
Pulse Of The City, 9/15/53 - 3/9/54 (drama)

Bob Dunn, star of Quick On The Draw.
Quick on the Draw, 1/18/52 - 12/9/52 (game)

Rebound, 12/5/52 - 1/16/53 (drama)
Report Card for Parents, 12/1/52 - 2/2/53 (discussion)
Rhythm Rodeo, 7/30/50 - 12/31/50 (music)
Rocky King, Detective (Inside Detective), 1/14/50 - 12/26/54 (drama)
Royal Playhouse (DuMont Royal Theater), 4/12/51 - 7/12/51 and 4/3/52 - 6/26/52 (drama)
Roy Doty Show, The, 5/10/53 - 10/4/53 (children)
Russ Hodges' Scoreboard, 4/14/48 - 4/22/49 (sports)

A scene from Shadow Of The Cloak.
Saturday Night at the Garden, 10/7/50 - 3/31/51 (sports)
School House, 1/18/49 - 4/12/49 (variety)
Screen Mystery, 4/50 - 10/50 (movies)
Secret Files Of Captain Video, The, 9/5/53 - 5/29/54 (children); Saturday-morning version of popular weekday series
Serving Through Science, 6/18/46 - 5/27/47 (public
affairs), generally believed to be the first DuMont network series
Shadow of the Cloak, 6/6/51 - 3/20/52 (drama)
Small Fry Club, 3/11/47 - 6/15/51 (children)
Spin the Picture, 6/25/49 - 2/4/50 (game)
Stage a Number, 9/10/52 - 5/20/53 (talent)
Stage Entrance, 5/2/51 - 3/2/52 (variety)
Star Time, 9/5/50 - 2/27/51 (variety)
Starlit Time, 4/9/50 - 11/19/50 (music)
Stars on Parade, 11/4/53 - 6/30/54 (variety)
Steve Randall (Hollywood Off Beat), 11/7/52 - 1/30/53 (drama)
Story Theater, 11/24/50 - 5/11/51 (drama)
Stranger, The, 6/25/54 - 2/11/55 (drama)
Strawhatters, The, 5/27/53 - 9/9/53 and 6/23/54 - 9/8/54 (variety)
Studio 57, 9/21/54 - 7/26/55 (drama)
Susan Raye Show, The, 10/2/50 - 11/20/50 (music)

Talent Jackpot, 7/19/49 - 8/23/49 (talent)
Talent Shop, The, 10/13/51 - 3/29/52 (talent)
Ted Steele Show, The, 2/27/49 - 7/12/49 (music)
Teen Time Tunes, 3/7/49 - 7/15/49 (music)
They Stand Accused, 9/11/49 - 10/5/52 and 9/9/54 - 12/30/54 (drama), from Chicago
They're Off, 7/7/49 - 8/18/49 (game)
This is Music, 11/29/51 - 10/9/52 (music), from Chicago
This Week in Religion, 3/16/52 - 9/28/52 and 6/28/53 - 10/3/53 (religious)
Time for Reflection, 4/30/50 - 1/14/51 (poetry)
Time Will Tell, 8/27/54 - 10/15/54 (game)
Tom Corbett, Space Cadet, 8/29/53 - 5/22/54 (children)
Trash or Treasure? (Treasure Hunt), 10/1/52 - 9/27/53 (discussion)
TV Shopper, 11/1/48 - 12/1/50 (shopping)
Twenty Questions, 7/6/51 - 4/5/54 (game)
No programs

Vincent Lopez Show, The, 3/7/49 - 3/30/50 and 6/13/51 - 7/11/51 (music)
Visit With The Armed Forces, A, 7/3/50 - 1/22/51 (public affairs)

Washington Exclusive, 6/21/53 - 11/1/53 (public affairs)
Washington Report, 5/22/51 - 8/31/51 (discussion), from Washington
Western Movie, 1946-47 (movies)
What's The Story, 7/25/51 - 9/23/55 (panel/discussion); the last
regularly scheduled non-sports program on the DuMont network; see also
Boxing from St. Nicholas Arena
What's Your Bid, 5/3/53 - 6/28/53 (game)
Where Was I, 9/2/52 - 10/6/53 (game)
Window on the World, 1/27/49 - 4/14/49 (variety)
Windy City Jamboree, 3/26/50 - 6/18/50 (music), from Chicago
Wisdom of the Ages, 12/16/52 - 6/30/53 (discussion)
With This Ring, 1/21/51 - 3/11/51 (discussion)
Wrestling from Marigold (sports)
No programs

You Asked For It, 12/29/50 - 12/7/51 (variety)
Your Big Moment, 5/19/53 - 6/2/53 (game)
Your Story Theatre, 12/1/50 - 2/2/51 (drama)
Youth on the March, 10/5/52 - 6/7/53 (religious), from Philadelphia
No programs
Note: In addition to the above programs, DuMont is
remembered for the first network telecast of an NFL championship game
(on 12/23/51), and for broadcasting the Army-McCarthy Hearings
(beginning on 4/22/54), which led to Senator Joseph McCarthy's censure.
Go to Appendix Three: News and Sports