Note: If you have not previously read the introduction to these pages, we suggest you do so before proceeding.
- Educational UHF outlets are preceded with an asterisk (*).
- Stations which made it on the air, only to go dark after an initial period of operation, have the dates of their operation noted in parentheses following their call letters and city of license (although in some cases we could only reliably confirm a partial date on which a station went dark); in some cases the notes will give dates of a dark station's return to operating status. If a station used more than one set of call letters before going dark, all call letters it used on the air are listed. Wherever possible, the date in our list is the one that has been confirmed as the program start date, rather than that of airing first test patterns.
- Stations which changed channels have a "►" symbol following their original air dates with the later channel number, with additional notes added where needed. (If no accompanying entry appears for a station at its new channel number, it can be presumed that the station remained on the air at its new frequency without any "dark" periods.)
- If a station was issued a construction permit but never made it on the air it is followed by the notation (CP) followed by the year of the CP's issuance. Stations with no date notation following their listing are presently operating and appear in the list in order to provide a note or link. In some cases, explanatory information is provided within the content of an article about a related station.
- Stations that returned to the air from going dark and remained on the air beyond 1982 have the notation "§" following the year of return, although there may have been subsequent call letter changes.
- Some station listings include links, to a gallery or an article on this site for that station, or to an external site with additional information about that station. This includes the handful of stations that are in our list but still on the air, for which the FCC makes available the history cards listing all applications and actions up until 1980, when their recordkeeping went digital. The icons signifying these links are:
- Article on the UHF History site
- External site link
- Gallery on the UHF History site
- Link to FCC History Cards @*
- Wikipedia entry
- There are also links within station notes to articles which are not directly about that station but which do contain information about it.
- The fourth page in this section concerns the FCC's attempts between 1957 and 1970 to determine which outstanding construction permits were not likely to ever be built and "purge" them by deletion or by encouraging the CP holder to surrender same. Any station whose CP was ever in one of these periodic inquiries has the text link "see Notes" within its listing. Clicking on this link will open a separate tab or window with the notes page; keeping that tab or window open while on these pages will cause a "jump" on that page to subsequent clicks from the listings pages, if applicable. We have formatted these links in that way so that the viewer will not lose his or her place in the main listings when reading notes on the fourth page.
* - The history cards are no longer available at the FCC since they retired the CDBS (Consolidated DataBase Service) at the end of 2024. REC Networks, which operates the website, downloaded the cards before the retirement and we have changed the links here to access that site. As REC is entirely non-profit, your financial support (in any amount) is welcomed. Donations can be processed via their page at

KTRB-TV, Modesto CA (CP '54)-
◊ Sold in 1957 (3½ years after its issuance) to KJEO/47 Fresno, which intended to operate it as a satellite. Since KTRB-AM/FM remained under its original ownership, the call letters for channel 14 should have been changed when the CP changed hands, per the FCC rules at the time; we have not been able to find any reason why the FCC failed to require that. Subsequently deleted in the 1960 Purge. See Notes.
KCSM-TV, San Mateo CA (10/12/64-3/5/79 ►60)
◊ See article on KQEC for background on the channel move.
KIHP-TV, Santa Barbara CA (CP '65)-
◊ Originally granted channel 26 in Santa Barbara and reallocated channel 14 in the 1965 allocation table revision; the CP was surrendered 3/12/69 and the call letters moved to a co-owned CP for channel 18 in San Bernardino, which was subsequently deleted in the 1970 Purge. The calls were retained because majority owner Al Lapin Jr. was the founder of the International House Of Pancakes (IHOP) restaurant chain in 1958.
KCDE, Boulder CO (CP '69)-
WOOK-TV/WFAN-TV, Washington DC (3/5/63-2/12/72) 

WJJY-TV, Jacksonville IL (8/18/69-9/15/71) 
◊ License renewal subsequently delayed by FCC investigation into WJJY-TV's business relationship with ABC. Finally renewed 12/19/73, conditioned on finding a qualified buyer and filing for transfer within 60 days; deadline later extended to 4/22/74, FCC declared the license expired 5/14/74.
*WJPT, Jacksonville IL (CP '77)-
◊ Deleted 6/13/80.
*KSMH-TV, Hays KS (CP '80)-
◊ Eventually began operation 10/1/82 as *KOOD on channel 9.
WVJS-TV, Owensboro KY (CP '53)-
◊ Surrendered 9/25/53.
WWOR-TV/WJZB-TV, Worcester MA (12/4/53-9/5/55, 12/1/58-5/??/69) 

KACY, Festus MO (11/26/53-4/2/54)-
◊ Sixth UHF to go dark. Surrendered CP 9/7/55.
*WIET, Ithaca NY (CP '53)-
KLPR-TV, Oklahoma City OK (6/1/66-12/??/67)-
◊ Originally granted channel 19 and reallocated channel 14 in the 1965 allocation table revision; granted a waiver during its last four months to transmit stock market ticker tape with a recorded music background (necessary because rules at the time prohibited "separate" video and audio transmission).
WPSJ, Ponce PR (4/15/70-?/??/73)-
◊ Satellite of WTSJ/18 San Juan and went dark simultaneously with that station.
WACA-TV, Camden SC (CP '53)-
◊ Deleted before the 1960 Purge for non-response. See Notes.
KGEA, Tyler TX (CP '69)-
WVEW-TV, Wheeling WV (CP '66)-

WAVQ, Mobile AL (CP '80)-
KLUZ, Phoenix AZ (CP '67)-
KRAQ, Sacramento CA (CP '69)
◊ Channel 15 was subsequently withheld from use at Sacramento and was replaced on the CP with the channel 31 allocation from Stockton (replaced there by channel 64) 9/19/72. Began operation 10/5/74 on that channel as KMUV-TV. §
WPFA-TV, Pensacola FL (10/16/53-10/31/54, 12/10/54-12/18/55)-
◊ Deleted in the 1965 Purge. See Notes.
WBLN, Bloomington IL (11/26/53-2/7/57, 5/10/57-6/3/57, 12/1/57-6/5/58)
◊ Deleted before the 1965 Purge for non-response. See Notes.
WINT, Waterloo IN (9/26/54-1/3/57)

◊ Purchased by WANE-TV/69 and continued operation under those call letters. §
KLNI-TV, Lafayette LA (9/16/68-2/21/75)-
KPOB-TV, Poplar Bluff MO (9/2/61-9/21/66)
◊ Resumed operation 9/15/67 as a satellite of WSIL-TV Harrisburg IL. §
KNIO-TV, Omaha NE (CP '66)-
*WHED-TV, Hanover NH (4/11/68-?/??/81)
WCAF-TV, Oneonta NY (CP '68)-
WCBF-TV, Rochester NY (CP '53)-
◊ Deleted in the 1960 Purge. See Notes.
WICA-TV, Ashtabula OH (9/19/53-6/16/56, 12/15/65-12/26/67)

WLBR-TV, Lebanon PA (10/25/53-10/16/54)

◊ Resumed operation 5/2/57. §
WVEC-TV, Norfolk VA (9/19/53-11/13/59 ►13)

◊ Filed to move to channel 13 in May 1957; one month later WTOV-TV/27 both challenged the application and requested a STA to operate on channel 13 itself; this was denied in August, along with a similar request by WVEC-TV, which refiled for same in May 1958. They were instead offered authority to operate on channel 21, but rejected same; after WTOV-TV's challenge of the 1957 application was denied in March 1959, the two stations agreed to merge operations and moved to channel 13 six months later. §
WTAP, Parkersburg WV

KMYO-TV, Little Rock AR (CP '66)-
◊ Relinquished by executors of the holder's estate. See article on WELI-TV for details.
KPIC-TV, El Centro CA (CP '54)-
◊ Deleted 11/18/54.
KKOG-TV, Ventura CA (12/14/68-9/13/69)
WTKW, Key West FL (CP '81)-
WOTV, Lakeland FL (CP '52)-
◊ Surrendered 11/13/53.
KEDD, Wichita KS (8/15/53-4/30/56) 

◊ Surrendered before the 1957 Purge. See Notes.
WJSK, Corbin KY (CP '62)-
◊ Deleted as part of the 1965 allocation table revision. See Notes.
WTAC-TV, Flint MI (10/28/53-4/20/54)-
◊ Tied for seventh UHF to go dark (WKLO-TV/21 Louisville KY went dark same day). Studio facilities later used by WJRT/12 when it began operation 10/12/58.
WKTR-TV, Kettering OH (3/20/67-2/27/71, 4/27/71-10/15/71)

◊ License and transmitting facilities were transferred to the Ohio Educational Television Network Commission; resumed operation 4/24/72 and call letters were changed to WOET-TV in June of that year. Channel 16 was not officially made a non-commercial allocation until 9/14/77. §
KOOS-TV, Coos Bay OR (CP '56)-
◊ Unsuccessfully petitioned to change allocation to channel 11 in 1958, then surrendered 3/1/59.
WENS, Pittsburgh PA (8/29/53-3/11/55, 4/27/55-8/31/57)

◊ Operated shared-time with *WQED/13 during evening hours 3/12/55-5/1/55 under STA. Resumed channel 16 operation 4/27/55; subsequently sold facilities to *WQED in 1958, which were relicensed as *WQEX by modification of the existing channel 22 permit -- which had been originally applied for on channel 47 -- to specify channel 16. (See the WENS section of the article on shared-time stations for a more detailed explanation.) WENS' CP was concurrently modified to specify channel 22; it was sold to the owners of WWLP Springfield MA in 1965 who finally surrendered it, unbuilt, in 1970.
*WQEX, Pittsburgh PA (3/19/59-11/1/61)-
◊ Resumed operation 1/18/63. In 1997, it became a full-time simulcast of *WQED, then resumed commercial status as a home shopping service affiliate in 2004. §
WARM-TV, Scranton PA (2/9/54-2/12/58)
◊ Merged with WILK-TV into WNEP-TV/16.
WNEP-TV, Scranton PA

WMGZ, Mayaguez PR (4/15/70-?/??/73)-
◊ Satellite of WTSJ/18 San Juan and went dark simultaneously with that station.
WNET, Providence RI (4/5/54-7/10/55)

◊ Survived multiple unbuilt CP inquiries. See Notes.
KVVV-TV, Galveston TX (3/18/68-8/31/69)

KHER-TV, Longview TX (CP '66)-
◊ Deleted in the 1968 Purge. See Notes.
KICH, Longview TX (CP '77)-
KMSL, Marshall TX (CP '53)-
◊ Deleted 5/19/54 (expired).
WWOD-TV, Lynchburg VA (CP '52)-
◊ Surrendered 7/10/53.
KBAS-TV, Ephrata WA (1/1/58-11/30/61)-
◊ Operated as satellite of KIMA-TV/29.
WOSA, Wausau WI (CP '54)-
◊ Surrendered 10/11/54.

KRTV, Little Rock AR (4/5/53-3/31/54)-
◊ Fifth UHF station to go dark. Studio assets subsequently acquired by KATV/7 Pine Bluff AR and tower acquired by KOVR/13 Stockton CA.
WITV, Ft. Lauderdale FL (11/26/53-1/19/58)-
◊ License renewal subsequently challenged by educational television interests; license cancelled 9/18/61, with allocation made non-commercial and CP issued for *WSEC-TV Miami.
KGTV, Des Moines IA (11/15/53-4/15/55)-
◊ Deleted in the 1957 Purge. See Notes.
KSO-TV, Des Moines IA (CP '66)-
WTBO-TV, Cumberland MD (CP '53)-
◊ Surrendered 8/17/55.
WLAM-TV, Lewiston ME (11/26/53-3/25/55)-
◊ Surrendered 4/1/57.
WUHI, Grand Rapids MI (CP '66)-
WCOW-TV, St. Paul MN (CP '53)-
◊ Surrendered 1/21/54.
*WTVZ, Binghamton NY (CP '52)-
WBUF, Buffalo NY (8/17/53-2/23/55, 3/9/55-10/1/58)
*WNED, Buffalo NY (3/30/59-5/29/59)
◊ Began operation under Special Temporary Authority using former WBUF facilities; resumed operation 10/19/59 under regular licensed facilities. §
WJAN, Canton OH
KSPG, Tulsa OK (CP '54)-
◊ Surrendered before the 1960 Purge (according to a thesis written in 1973 at the University of Tulsa, at the time of surrender the permittee "was a patient at a sanitarium in the northwest and was unable to perform the necessary functions pursuant to the station's operation"). See Notes.
WPCA-TV, Philadelphia PA (7/17/60-8/1/62)

◊ CP originally issued as WKDN-TV Camden NJ. Resumed operation 9/17/65 as WPHL-TV. §
WSCV, Spartanburg SC (CP '53)-
◊ Surrendered 5/14/54.
WMCV, Nashville TN (8/15/68-3/14/71)

◊ Resumed operation 3/6/76 as WZTV. §
KTKX, Texarkana TX (CP '71)-
◊ Deleted 12/12/72.

KITO-TV, San Bernardino CA (CP '52)-
◊ Surrendered 4/9/54.
KCHU, San Bernardino CA (3/6/62-6/24/64)
KIHP-TV, San Bernardino CA (CP '67)-
◊ Call letters moved from co-owned CP for channel 14 in Santa Barbara when surrendered 3/12/69; deleted in the 1970 Purge. See Notes.
WGTH-TV/WHCT, Hartford CT (9/25/54-11/15/58)

◊ See article for details of subsequent operation from 1959-1985.
WEAL-TV, Orlando FL (CP '55)-
◊ Deleted prior to the 1960 Purge for non-response. See Notes.
KSTT-TV, Davenport IA (CP '66)-
WKHM-TV, Jackson MI (CP '66)-
◊ Deleted in the 1969 Purge. See Notes. Reinstated 7/22/70 and changed call letters to WWLD-TV; after two failed sales attempts, deleted 9/22/78.
KGMO-TV, Cape Girardeau MO (CP '53)-
◊ Deleted 9/17/54.
WJLH, Laurel MS (CP '82)-
WFLB-TV, Fayetteville NC (8/29/55-8/4/58)-
WECT, Elmira NY (9/30/53-5/26/54)-
◊ Twelfth UHF to go dark, surrendered CP 9/23/54; facilities relicensed as WSYE-TV and resumed operation 9/1/56 as satellite of WSYR-TV/3 Syracuse (first station to use punched-tape automation to control local cutaways for IDs, local commercials, daily local newscast, and public service features). §
WTSJ, San Juan PR (8/25/64-?/??/73)-
◊ Satellites WPSJ/14 Ponce and WMGZ/16 Mayaguez went dark concurrently.
KCTV, Austin TX (CP '52)-
◊ Surrendered 6/4/53.
KDCD-TV, Midland TX (12/9/61-2/16/62, 6/8/69-3/16/71)-
*KWCS-TV, Ogden UT (10/10/60-10/??/73)-
◊ License cancelled 2/4/75 when no renewal application was filed. While a precise date has not been discovered, newspaper accounts of the sale of its facilities in December 1974 reported that *KWCS-TV went dark sometime in October 1973.
WXIX, Milwaukee WI (8/27/58-4/1/59)
◊ Moved here from channel 19 to solve harmonic interference problem with some television receivers. Resumed operation under new owners 7/20/59, changed call letters to WUHF 11/27/62 and then to WVTV 5/25/66. §

WTVI, Fort Pierce FL (11/23/60-2/16/61, 9/10/61-3/9/62)-
◊ Unsuccessfully petitioned in 1957 to have educational channel 3 allocation made commercial for its use. Resumed operation 9/10/61 under new owners, then surrendered CP the following March.
WJFT-TV, Albany GA (CP '78)-
WVJS-TV, Owensboro KY (CP '66)-
WMGT, Adams MA (12/20/54-2/25/56)
◊ Resumed operation 2/22/57 as WCTC. Remained on the air as a satellite of WTEN/10 Albany NY until 11/19/2017.
KTIC-TV, St. Cloud MN (CP '67)-
WLNS-TV, Jacksonville NC (CP '69)-
*WTLV, New Brunswick NJ (CP '52)
◊ Eventually began operation 6/5/73 as *WNJB on channel 58; this was the last of the original UHF grants to begin operations, after more than 20 years (CP issued 12/3/52).
WFRB, Utica NY (CP '53)-
◊ Surrendered 10/18/54 so that channel could be reallocated to Pittsfield MA. See article on WMGT for details.
WHK-TV, Cleveland OH (CP '53)-
◊ Surrendered 2/28/58 when WHK-AM/FM sold.
WCTF, Cleveland OH (CP '68)-
◊ Proposed in 1975 to be sold to WUAB/43 Lorain OH, which would have moved to channel 19; expired and was reinstated 9/5/75 to complete sale. Deleted 4/14/76 when sale subsequently fell through.
KMPT, Oklahoma City OK (11/22/53-2/4/55)-
◊ CP deleted 8/26/55; new CP to unrelated owners using same calls issued 4/21/58, deleted in the 1960 Purge (see Notes).
KNBT-TV, Brownswood TX (CP '56)-
◊ Deleted prior to the 1960 Purge for non-response. See Notes.
KTES/KAEC-TV, Nacogdoches TX (9/20/58-8/25/59, 7/29/69-3/18/70)-
KETX, Tyler TX (8/30/53-10/23/54)-
◊ Deleted 1/9/56.
KNAL-TV, Victoria TX (CP '53)-
◊ Granted new CP in 1957 as KMVA-TV.
KMVA-TV, Victoria TX (CP '57)-
◊ See note under KNAL-TV above.
◊ First "satellite" station authorized by the FCC, rebroadcasting KIMA-TV/29 Yakima. §
WOKY-TV/WXIX, Milwaukee WI (10/2/53-8/27/58 ►18)
◊ See article on WCAN-TV for details.

KEMO-TV, San Francisco CA (1/1/68-3/30/71)
◊ See article on the Overmyer Network for details. As KBAY-TV, was only CP to receive a pre-hearing extension in the 1960 Purge. See Notes.
KIRV, Denver CO (CP '52)-
◊ First UHF CP to be denied an extension of time to complete, after the permittee failed to attend 10/29/53 hearing to answer a "McFarland letter". See Notes.
KHBC, Denver CO (CP '66)-
◊ Sold 11/21/67 when Harcourt Brace World abruptly cancelled its plans to get into television; followed 6/23/67 surrender of CP for WAHB/54 Augusta GA and CPs in Phoenix AZ (channel 15), Rochester NY (channel 61) and Portland OR (channel 24) that did not yet have call letter assignments.
WETV, Washington DC (CP '54)-
◊ Surrendered 3/20/56.
KUII-TV, Honolulu HI (CP '68)-
◊ First UHF CP in Hawaii; deleted in the 1969 Purge. See Notes. (The first UHF to go on the air in Hawaii was KSHO-TV/26 Honolulu, which began operation 12/23/82 and is still operating, under the call letters KAAH-TV.)
KEYC, Cedar Rapids IA (CP '53)-
◊ Surrendered 1/29/54.
WIND-TV, Chicago IL (CP '53)-
◊ Surrendered before the 1960 Purge. See Notes.
WTLO, New Orleans LA (CP '53)-
◊ Deleted 9/17/54.
WJMR-TV, New Orleans LA (7/20/55-1/28/59 ►13)

◊ Move to channel 13 followed simulcast 7/1/57-12/31/58 as experimental KK2XFW on channel 12, with experimental authorization then coverted to commercial as WVUE. WJMR-TV CP was not deleted until 1975, when a new applicant filed for channel 20.
WULT-TV, New Orleans LA (CP '80)-
WAAB-TV, Worcester MA (CP '53)-
◊ Surrendered during the 1957 Purge. See Notes.
WJMY, Allen Park MI (10/7/62-6/10/63)

WPAG-TV, Ann Arbor MI (4/3/53-12/31/57)-
◊ See article on WJMY for details.
WHCU-TV, Ithaca NY (CP '53)-
◊ Deleted in the 1960 Purge. See Notes.
KEQO, Enid OK (CP '81)-
KTVF, Springfield OR (CP '53)-
◊ Surrendered 1/12/54.
WUHP-TV, Ponce PR (CP '65)-
◊ Was to be satellite of WUHT-TV/30 San Juan (former WITA-TV), but was never constructed.
KLDS, Denison TX (CP '81)-
KTCO, Fort Worth TX (CP '53)-
◊ Surrendered 4/6/54.
KUAB, Houston TX (CP '66)-
KRIO-TV, McAllen TX (CP '53)-
◊ Surrendered 6/19/53.
WARL-TV, Arlington VA (CP '56)-
◊ Deleted prior to the 1960 Purge for non-response. See Notes.
KCTL, Seattle WA (CP '54)-
◊ Surrendered 8/19/55.
KLAY-TV, Tacoma WA (CP '67)-

WTVS, Gadsden AL (CP '52)-
◊ Surrendered 5/26/53.
KPAZ-TV, Phoenix AZ (9/16/67-1/18/77)

◊ Resumed 9/5/77. §
KDAS/KSJV-TV, Hanford CA (2/27/62-12/22/64, 2/10/66-5/23/66)
◊ CP reinstated in 1968; resumed operation as KFTV 9/21/72 (separate license from KDAS under different ownership, but same CP). §
KUSH, San Diego CA (CP '53)-
◊ Surrendered 5/4/55; in 1968, permittee unsuccessfully petitioned for channel 27 to be added in San Diego. See article on KAAR for details.
WIRK-TV, West Palm Beach FL (9/13/53-3/1/56)-
KQTV/KVFD-TV, Fort Dodge IA (11/23/53-5/4/77 ►50)
WCUI, Champaign IL (CP '53)-
◊ Deleted 6/17/54.
WKLO-TV, Louisville KY (10/14/53-4/20/54)
◊ Tied for seventh UHF to go dark (WTAC-TV/16 Flint MI went dark same day). Changed call letters to WEZI in 1958, remaining dark, and did not surrender CP until 1972.
WEOK-TV, Poughkeepsie NY (CP '52)-
◊ Surrendered 3/10/54.
WUTV, Youngstown OH (CP '52)
◊ Purchased by WFMJ-TV/73 which moved 6/1/1954 to channel 21. §
WWLA, Lancaster PA (CP '53)-
◊ Surrendered 1/17/56.
WLAN-TV, Lancaster PA (CP '56)-
◊ Deleted in the 1960 Purge (see Notes); also see note under WHP-TV/55.
WSMF, Florence SC (CP '82)-
WCRS-TV, Greenswood SC (CP '53)-
◊ Surrendered 6/9/54.
KFWT-TV, Fort Worth TX (9/19/67-9/5/69)-
KVAN-TV, Vancouver WA (CP '53)-
◊ Deleted prior to the 1960 Purge for non-response. See Notes.
WBEY, Beckley WV (CP '53)-
◊ Deleted 5/20/54.

KFSA-TV, Fort Smith AR (7/19/53-8/16/59)
◊ Purchased KNAC-TV/5 and surrendered channel 22 license.
KEFS-TV, Fort Smith AR (CP '60)-
KBIC-TV/KIIX, Los Angeles CA (3/25/63-3/9/64)

◊ Resumed 3/29/65 as KPOL-TV. §
KNCO, Fort Collins CO (CP '72)-
◊ Surrendered 3/3/75.
WJNR-TV, Clearwater FL (CP '65)-
WSIL-TV, Harrisburg IL (12/6/53-3/4/59 ►3)-
*WIUM-TV, Macomb IL (CP '76)-
◊ CP expired unbuilt; new CP granted in 1983.
WJHF, Raleigh NC (CP '65)-
WIFE, Dayton OH (10/26/53-3/13/54)
◊ Resumed operation 9/27/64 as WKEF. §
*WQEX, Pittsburgh PA (CP '58)-
◊ See note under WENS/16.
WUHM-TV, Mayaguez PR (CP '65)-
◊ Was to be satellite of WUHT-TV/30 San Juan (former WITA-TV), but was never constructed.
KVDO-TV, Corpus Christi TX (6/20/54-8/19/57)
◊ Resumed operation 5/4/64 as KIII-TV on channel 3. §
KTVW, Wichita Falls TX (CP '52)-
◊ Surrendered 7/28/53 after receiving one of the first "McFarland letters". See Notes.
KTLF, Seattle WA (CP '68)-
KNBS, Walla Walla WA (1/3/60-12/14/60)-

WMSL-TV, Decatur AL (7/4/54-1/7/69 ►48)
KETV, Little Rock AR (CP '52)-
◊ Surrendered 1/7/55.
WFTL-TV, Fort Lauderdale FL (4/7/53-12/29/54)-
◊ CP reallocated to channel 39 (surrendered 3/25/55) and facilities used with WMIE/27 CP for WGBS-TV.
WGBS-TV, Miami FL (1/7/55-4/13/57)

◊ Resumed operation 11/14/67 as WAJA-TV. §
*WJIA-TV, Ashburn GA (CP '65)-
WMCN, Grand Rapids MI (CP '54)-
◊ Kept CP while pursuing channel 13 application; deleted in the 1965 allocation table revision (see Notes).
WPTR-TV, Albany NY (CP '53)-
◊ Surrendered before the 1960 Purge. See Notes.
WNEC, Albany NY (CP '67)-
◊ Deleted in the 1969 Purge. See Notes.
*WTVF, Buffalo NY (CP '52)-
WMAC-TV, Massillon OH (CP '52)-
◊ Deleted prior to the 1960 Purge for non-response (see Notes); channel 23 was reallocated to Akron and WAKR-TV moved to that channel.
KCEB, Tulsa OK (3/13/54-12/25/54)-
◊ Resumed operation with "limited film schedule" the first week of January 1955, then went dark again; deleted in the 1965 Purge (see Notes) and reinstated the following year. Surrendered in 1974.
WIBG-TV, Philadelphia PA (CP '53)-
◊ Surrendered 3/25/55 to acquire WDEL-TV/12 Wilmington DE.
WPHD, Philadelphia PA (CP '55)-
◊ Deleted 4/16/69.
WGTI, Philadelphia PA (CP '61)-
◊ Deleted in the 1969 Purge. See Notes.
WPDT, Florence SC (CP '65)-
◊ Deleted in the 1969 Purge. See Notes.
WGVL, Greenville SC (8/1/53-4/29/56)-
◊ Went dark when WSPA-TV/7 Spartanburg SC began operation; along with WAIM-TV/40, had tried to block the VHF's start in Court of Appeals.
KPSA-TV, Brownsville TX (CP '74)-
KDTX, Dallas TX (CP '53)-
◊ Surrendered 3/24/55.
KTVP, Houston TX (CP '53)-
◊ Surrendered 3/24/55.
*KRET-TV, Richardson TX (2/29/60-8/31/70)
KIT-TV, Yakima WA (CP '52)-
◊ Surrendered 12/10/53.
KRSM, Yakima WA (CP '55)-
◊ Subsequently reapplied for the same channel but was denied.
WTIP-TV, Charleston WV (CP '67)-
WVAH-TV, Charleston WV (9/19/82-4/11/88 ►11)-

KAON-TV, Fort Smith AR (CP '69)-
WMCN-TV, Macon GA (CP '67)-
WDAN-TV/WICD, Danville IL (12/20/53-8/14/67 ►15)-
◊ Merged with WCHU/33 and moved to channel 15, surrendering the channel 24 license. §
KWIS-TV, Wichita KS (CP '66)-
◊ Deleted in the 1969 Purge. See Notes.
WMET-TV, Baltimore MD (3/1/67-1/14/72)-
◊ Original CP was for WTLF on channel 18; see note under WHP-TV/55. Also see article on WOOK-TV/14.
KGSL-TV, St. Louis MO (CP '64)-
◊ Deleted in the 1970 Purge. See Notes.
WHTV, Meridian MS (6/10/68-10/30/70)
◊ Resumed operation 3/23/72, went dark again in 1991, and resumed operation again in 1994. §
WTVE, Elmira NY (6/15/53-10/15/54, 5/6/56-2/13/57)-
KPVC-TV, Portland OR (CP '67)-
◊ Deleted in the 1968 Purge. See Notes.
KPIC, Salem OR (8/4/53-3/29/54)-
◊ Fifth UHF to go dark.
WGLJ, Memphis TN (CP '67)-
◊ Surrendered 7/19/74. See article on WELI-TV for details.
KTVA, Austin TX (CP '52)-
◊ First UHF CP surrendered (5/21/53).
*KIDZ-TV Wichita Falls TX (11/15/73-6/17/80)-
◊ Operated as a satellite of KERA/13 Dallas and was replaced by translator K24AD.
WBTM-TV, Danville VA (1/6/54-12/31/54)-
◊ Granted extension during the 1965 Purge (see Notes); subsequently expired, unbuilt.

WAAY-TV, Huntsville AL (CP '63)-
◊ Purchased WAFG-TV/31 in 1963, moved the WAAY-TV call letters there and surrendered the channel 25 CP.
WJUD, West Palm Beach FL (CP '68)-
WIRL-TV, Peoria IL (CP '56)
◊ Received CP for channel 8 in 1954. However, in the FCC's deintermixture plan, Peoria was proposed to be an all-UHF market and CP was modified to channel 25 in 1956. WIRL-TV appealed all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court, which remanded it back to the Court of Appeals, which further remanded it to the FCC in 1959. After further hearings, WIRL-TV was deemed in 1963 to have waived its rights to channel 25; it subsequently purchased WTVH-TV/19 and WEEK-TV moved from channel 43 to channel 25.
KTAG-TV, Lake Charles LA (11/15/53-8/13/61)
*KIXV, St. Cloud MN (CP '75)-
◊ Surrendered 3/10/76.
KCTY, Kansas City MO (6/6/53-3/1/54) 
◊ Third UHF to go dark; only UHF ever owned by the DuMont Network.
WROA-TV, Gulfport MS (CP '67)-
◊ Received extension during 1968 Purge; subsequently expired, unbuilt. See Notes.
WJTV, Jackson MS (1/20/53-5/31/55)-
◊ Merged with WSLI-TV/12.
WJAQ-TV, Jackson MS (CP '63)-
KTVQ, Oklahoma City OK (11/1/53-12/15/55)

◊ Resumed operation as *KOKH-TV 2/2/59, after the Oklahoma City Schools acquired the station in bankruptcy. Sold and resumed commercial operation 10/1/79.
WCOS-TV, Columbia SC (5/1/53-1/21/56)-
KAVU, Victoria TX (CP '69)-
◊ In one of the odder UHF stories, the CP for KAVU was cancelled and reinstated twice -- in 1970 and 1974 -- before being deleted 42 days after the second reinstatement. A new CP, under different owners, used the KAVU-TV calls to begin operation in Victoria 7/4/82.
WACO-TV, Waco TX (CP '66)-
WCAN-TV, Milwaukee WI (9/7/53-2/20/55)