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Channels 45 to 83

Note: If you have not previously read the introduction to these pages, we suggest you do so before proceeding.

  • Educational UHF outlets are preceded with an asterisk (*).
  • Stations which made it on the air, only to go dark after an initial period of operation, have the dates of their operation noted in parentheses following their call letters and city of license (although in some cases we could only reliably confirm a partial date on which a station went dark); in some cases the notes will give dates of a dark station's return to operating status. If a station used more than one set of call letters before going dark, all call letters it used on the air are listed. Wherever possible, the date in our list is the one that has been confirmed as the program start date, rather than that of airing first test patterns.
  • Stations which changed channels have a "►" symbol following their original air dates with the later channel number, with additional notes added where needed. (If no accompanying entry appears for a station at its new channel number, it can be presumed that the station remained on the air at its new frequency without any "dark" periods.)
  • If a station was issued a construction permit but never made it on the air it is followed by the notation (CP) followed by the year of the CP's issuance. Stations with no date notation following their listing are presently operating and appear in the list in order to provide a note or link. In some cases, explanatory information is provided within the content of an article about a related station.
  • Stations that returned to the air from going dark and remained on the air beyond 1982 have the notation "§" following the year of return, although there may have been subsequent call letter changes.
  • Some station listings include links, to a gallery or an article on this site for that station, or to an external site with additional information about that station. This includes the handful of stations that are in our list but still on the air, for which the FCC makes available the history cards listing all applications and actions up until 1980, when their recordkeeping went digital. The icons signifying these links are:
    • - Article on the UHF History site
    • - External site link
    • - Gallery on the UHF History site
    • - Link to FCC History Cards*
    • - Wikipedia entry
  • There are also links within station notes to articles which are not directly about that station but which do contain information about it.
  • The fourth page in this section concerns the FCC's attempts between 1957 and 1970 to determine which outstanding construction permits were not likely to ever be built and "purge" them by deletion or by encouraging the CP holder to surrender same. Any station whose CP was ever in one of these periodic inquiries has the text link "see Notes" within its listing. Clicking on this link will open a separate tab or window with the notes page; keeping that tab or window open while on these pages will cause a "jump" on that page to subsequent clicks from the listings pages, if applicable. We have formatted these links in that way so that the viewer will not lose his or her place in the main listings when reading notes on the fourth page.

* - The history cards are no longer available at the FCC since they retired the CDBS (Consolidated DataBase Service) at the end of 2024. REC Networks, which operates the FCCdata.org website, downloaded the cards before the retirement and we have changed the links here to access that site. As REC is entirely non-profit, your financial support (in any amount) is welcomed. Donations can be processed via their page at ko-fi.com.

KDCQ, Sikeston MO (CP '82)-
KALR, Lincoln NE (CP '70)-
WKNE-TV, Keene NH (CP '53)-
◊ Surrendered 3/26/60. See Notes.
WOWE-TV, Albany NY (CP '67)-
WXTV, Youngstown OH (11/15/60-2/28/62)
◊ Originally authorized 11/2/55 on channel 73; petitioned 5/19/56 to change allocation to channel 33 (caused reconsideration of previously denied WKST-TV petition to move channel 45 to Youngstown; both denied 10/18/56). Filed 12/5/56 to move to channel 45, denied 2/20/57 (unacceptable application since WKST-TV licensed on that channel, even though dark). Appealed move of WKST-TV to Youngstown (see below; FCC denied 11/20/57, appelate court denied 5/9/58). Proposal for channel 33 allocation reinstated 4/3/58 as part of allocations changes in Pittsburgh, requested by WQED/13 for its new second station on UHF; approved 7/16/58, stayed 8/1/58, filed for 9/24/58, reversed 11/7/58. Allocated channel 45 (effective once WKST-TV operating on 33) 7/30/59. [See Timeline for both stations.]
KGPC/KQOL-TV, Lawton OK (?/??/82-8/23/84)-
WKST-TV, New Castle PA (4/4/53-1/14/55, 10/30/57-11/29/59 ►33)
◊ Petitioned 12/15/54 to move to Youngstown OH, denied 4/20/55, reconsidered 8/31/55, denied 1/12/56 (reconsidered after WXTV filed petition for channel 33 allocation; both petitions denied 10/18/56, but channel 45 made dual-city allocation). Filed to move transmitter to Youngstown 11/23/56 (approved 2/20/57, unsuccessfully appealed by WXTV, relicensed at new site with both communities of license 7/16/58); competing application for 45 filed 12/19/56 (returned as unacceptable for filing, same reason as denial of WXTV channel 45 application). Authorized 9/4/58 to move to channel 33 with community of license Youngstown. [See Timeline for both stations.]
KJDO-TV, Rosenburg TX (CP '65)-
◊ See article on the Overmyer Network for details.

KBSA, Guasti CA (8/16/72-1/29/73, 6/7/73-2/28/77)
◊ Resumed operation 4/21/84 as KIHS-TV. §
KBIE-TV, Sacramento CA (CP '53)-
◊ See article on KBIC-TV for details.
KGMS, Sacramento CA (CP '56)-
◊ Surrendered 7/21/58.
WNDU-TV, South Bend IN (7/15/55-9/29/57 ►16)
WSEE-TV, Fall River MA (CP '52)-
◊ Surrendered 11/4/53.
WHRC, Norwell MA (12/6/86-9/19/89)
◊ Although this station would seem to be outside the three decade window this site covers, we are including it because the channel 46 allocation to Norwell was approved by the FCC on 6/17/82, making it the last new UHF channel allocation before the 30th anniversary of the first UHF CP grants.
WCIG-TV, Durham NC (CP '53)-
◊ Surrendered 3/3/54.
WFPG-TV, Atlantic City NJ (12/21/52-5/17/54)
◊ Second UHF on the air and eleventh to go dark. Deleted in the 1965 Purge. See Notes.
WCHA-TV, Chambersburg PA (9/15/53-7/18/54)-
◊ Sixteenth UHF to go dark; surrendered CP 11/8/54.
KSHM, Sherman TX (CP '53)-
◊ Surrendered 1/27/54.
KBAS-TV, Ephrata WA (2/15/57-1/1/58) ►16-
◊ Operated as satellite of KIMA-TV/29.

WVNA-TV, Tuscumbia AL (CP '62)-
◊ Granted extension during the 1965 Purge (see Notes); subsequently expired, unbuilt.
WUMJ-TV, Jacksonville FL (CP '67)-
◊ CP rescinded 10/12/67 after the grantee's principal officers were convicted of illegal stock sales.
WETV/WNEX-TV/WOKA, Macon GA (8/21/53-5/31/55)-
◊ This is an unusual but sad case of an early UHF's problems. WETV received its CP 2/12/53 and went on the air 8/21/53, operated by a partnership of local radio stations WBNL and WNEX; the latter took full ownership 2/10/54 and changed the call letters to WNEX-TV 3/22/54. Control was transferred to a new owner for assumption of liabilities 4/19/55, who changed the call letters to WOKA on 5/23/55; the station went dark eight days later. From CP to air to new owners to dark, with three sets of call letters, all in the space of a little over two years.
KCTR-TV, Rochester MN (CP '67)-
◊ Deleted in the 1970 Purge. See Notes.
WDHN, New Brunswick NJ (CP '53)-
◊ Surrendered 5/21/54.
WNCI-TV, Columbus OH (CP '67)-
WTVQ, Pittsburgh PA (CP '52)-
◊ Surrendered during the 1957 Purge. See Notes.

WJLN-TV, Birmingham AL-
◊ Deleted in the 1957 Purge. See Notes.
WKAB-TV, Mobile AL (12/29/52-8/1/54)
◊ Fifth UHF on the air and tied for seventeenth to go dark (WCOC-TV/30 Meridian MS went dark same day); did not surrender CP until 2/28/56.
KVIE, San Jose CA (CP '53)-
◊ Surrendered 2/23/54.
KFAS-TV, San Jose CA (CP '68)-
WJOL-TV, Joliet IL (CP '53)-
◊ Surrendered 12/23/54.
WIBM-TV, Jackson MI (CP '52)-
◊ Surrendered 12/9/53; subsequently applied for channel 10, then withdrew its application six months later as part of the sale of its parent radio station.
WTVX, Gastonia NC (CP '54)-
◊ Deleted in the 1960 Purge. See Notes.
WUBC, Greensboro NC (11/16/67-7/26/70)
WKBS-TV, Burlington NJ (9/1/65-8/29/83)
WWNY-TV, Watertown NY (CP '52)-
◊ Surrendered 3/10/54; began operation 10/22/54 on channel 7 under a new CP.
WGCG-TV, Greenwood SC (CP '82)-
WAMT, Memphis TN (CP '58)-
◊ Deleted in the 1960 Purge. See Notes.
KVEO-TV, McAllen TX (CP '74)-
WOSH-TV, Oshkosh WI (6/30/53-3/22/54)
◊ Fourth UHF to go dark.

WSJL, Bridgeport CT (CP '52)-
◊ Deleted 4/28/54.
WBBU-TV, Buffalo NY (CP '66)-
◊ Deleted in the 1970 Purge. See Notes.
WAKR-TV, Akron OH (6/7/53-12/23/67 ►23)
◊ Operated on both channels during December 1967. The channel 49 allocation was subsequently made non-commercial and WAKR-TV donated its previous transmitting facilities to WEAO/49 when it went on the air 9/21/75.
WNOW-TV, York PA (11/9/53-9/30/56, 10/12/56-5/31/58)-
WOUC, Chattanooga TN (CP '52)-
◊ Surrendered 4/20/54.
WTVQ, Norfolk VA (CP '67)-
WKNA-TV, Charleston WV (9/17/53-2/12/55)
◊ Deleted in the 1965 Purge. See Notes.

KHCD, Santa Rosa CA (CP '64)-
KFTY, Santa Rosa CA (8/29/72-8/8/73)
◊ License renewal application by the station's bankruptcy trustee in 1978 was denied due to a competing mutually exclusive application; the new permittee reused the call letters when it began operation 5/1/81.
KVFD-TV, Fort Dodge IA (4/8/77-5/4/77)
◊ Jointly petitioned FCC (with *KTIN, which held the CP for channel *46) to substitute channel *21 for channel *46 and channel 50 for channel 21 in Fort Dodge, then moved to channel 50. It went dark after a tornado destroyed the new channel 50 transmitter building and tower one month later. *KTIN began operations 4/8/77 using the former KVFD-TV facilities.
*WCAE, St. John IN (9/19/67-5/2/83)-
◊ See note under WPWR-TV/60 Aurora IL.
WEHT, Henderson KY/Evansville IN (9/11/53-9/8/66 ►25)
WBOS-TV, Boston MA (CP '53)-
◊ Surrendered 8/6/54.
WBID-TV, Detroit MI (CP '53)-
◊ Originally issued on channel 62; granted channel 50 after WJLB-TV surrendered its CP. Deleted in the 1960 Purge. See Notes.
WJLB-TV, Detroit MI (CP '54)-
◊ Surrendered 12/29/54.
KCIT-TV, Kansas City MO (10/29/69-7/7/71)
WXPO-TV, Manchester NH (10/30/69-5/9/70)
WHIZ-TV, Zanesville OH (5/15/53-4/7/54 ►18)
WMEV-TV, Marion VA (CP '53)-
◊ Surrendered 2/15/54.

WSMS-TV, Fort Lauderdale FL (12/6/68-8/10/70)
◊ Originally filed for channel 39. Resumed operation 2/14/72 as WKID. §
WOTG-TV, Ocala FL (CP '67)-
◊ Originally intended to be satellite of WTOG/44 St. Petersburg FL.
WOCA-TV, Ocala FL (CP '74)-
WSBM-TV, Saginaw MI (CP '53)-
◊ Surrendered 12/30/54.
WLEV-TV, Bethlehem PA (5/8/53-10/31/57)-
◊ Surrendered CP during the 1965 Purge. See Notes.
WRPA-TV, Reading PA (CP '68)-
WLTV, Wheeling WV (CP '53)-
◊ Deleted prior to the 1960 Purge for non-response. See Notes.

KCOA, Corona CA (CP '53)-
◊ Deleted in the 1957 Purge. See Notes.
KAGR-TV, Yuba City CA (CP '53)-
◊ Surrendered 3/30/54.
WRAY-TV, Princeton IN (12/6/53-7/17/54)-
◊ Fifteenth UHF to go dark. Resumed operation under STA 11/1-11/2/54 to carry election returns; also resumed for one weekend each year to carry March of Dimes annual telethon. CP surrendered 2/3/61 and the allocation moved to Vincennes IN at the request of Vincennes University; the allocation was changed to channel 34 by amendment to their application 9/20/65 and *WVUT went on the air 2/15/68 after the 1966 allocations table revision moved the CP to channel 22. §
WSJV, Elkhart IN (3/15/54-2/14/58 ►28)
◊ Move to channel 28 was part of the consolidation of all South Bend-Elkhart stations to a more contiguous lower channel range. §
WTBO-TV, Cumberland MD (CP '67)-
WOCN, Atlantic City NJ (CP '53)-
◊ Deleted in the 1960 Purge. See Notes.
WCIC, Ithaca NY (CP '66)-

KBID-TV, Fresno CA (2/13/54-7/15/54)-
◊ Fourteenth UHF to go dark. See article on KBIC-TV for details.
WATR-TV, Waterbury CT (9/4/53-8/12/63 ►20)
WPMT, Portland ME (8/27/53-12/15/54)-
WOND-TV, Atlantic City NJ (CP '68)-
WKJF-TV/WPGH-TV, Pittsburgh PA (8/1/53-7/2/54, 8/30/69-8/16/71)
◊ See article on the Overmyer Network for details. CP carried the call letters WAND-TV 3/29/61-12/8/65 while remaining dark and then WECO-TV until 12/5/68. Resumed operation 1/14/74. §

WAHB, Augusta GA (CP '67)-
◊ See note under KHBC/20 Denver CO.
WTRT-TV, Columbus GA (CP '67)-
WTVI, Belleville IL (8/10/53-3/21/55)
◊ See note under KTVI/36 St. Louis MO.
WUHF-TV, Baltimore MD (CP '69)-
◊ Deleted 6/5/75.
WILS-TV/WTOM-TV, Lansing MI (9/20/53-10/9/56)-
◊ The original owner subsequently owned 40% of WILX-TV/10 during the share-time with *WMSB.
WMKG, Muskegon MI (4/3/67-?/??/71)
WTMV, Utica NY (CP '58)-
◊ Deleted in the 1960 Purge. See Notes.
WCIN-TV, Cincinnati OH (CP '53)-
◊ Deleted in the 1960 Purge. See Notes.
WDKS-TV, Toledo OH (CP '67)-
◊ Deleted in the 1969 Purge. See Notes.
WCMN-TV, Arecibo PR (CP '67)-
WAKN-TV, Aiken SC (CP '53)-
◊ Deleted 9/17/54.

WLIC-TV, Leesburg FL (CP '70)-
WPNG, Springfield IL (CP '67)-
◊ Deleted in the 1968 Purge. See Notes.
WHYN-TV, Holyoke/Springfield MA (4/14/53-10/2/57 ►40)
WPAQ-TV, Mt. Airy NC (CP '53)-
◊ Surrendered 1/20/54.
WRIV-TV, Riverhead NY (CP '67)-
◊ Deleted in the 1968 Purge. See Notes.
WCOT-TV, Akron OH (CP '67)
WHP-TV, Harrisburg PA (4/15/53-7/15/61 ►21)
◊ The FCC adopted a 1961 proposal by WHP-TV to concentrate the stations in the Harrisburg PA market into a smaller range of channels. This was made possible by the cancellation of WLAN-TV/21's CP in November 1960 (see Notes), allowing that channel to be reallocated from Lancaster to Harrisburg and for WHP-TV to move there from channel 55. To accommodate the WHP-TV move within the mileage spacings required for UHF, the construction permits were also changed for two other Harrisburg stations: WDTV/71 -- formerly WCMB-TV -- to channel 33, and WRAK-TV/36 to channel 26. A change was also required for WTLF/18 Baltimore MD's CP as well, to channel 24. (WTLF subsequently changed calls to WMET-TV before beginning operation; see article on WOOK-TV/14 for details.)
WKRL, Kenosha WI (CP '70)-

*KHIJ, Salinas CA (CP '78)-
WDAI, Gary IN (CP '66)-
◊ See note under WPWR-TV/60 Aurora IL.
WTAO-TV, Cambridge MA (9/27/53-3/30/56)
◊ Resumed operation under STA 5/17/62-6/17/62 and 8/16/62-11/17/62. Unsuccessfully petitioned for reallocation to channel 11; resumed operation 12/19/66 as WKBG-TV. §
WGCM-TV, Gulfport MS (CP '53)-
◊ Surrendered 1/12/54.
WSTG, Gulfport MS (CP '57)-
◊ Surrendered 10/17/58.
WARD-TV, Johnstown PA (10/15/53-8/29/72 ►19)
◊ CP for channel 19 originally authorized 3/13/57; operated as WJNL-TV on channel 19. Later went dark from 1989 to 1997.
*KPEC-TV, Lakewood Center WA (4/28/60-1/14/76 ►13)-
◊ Acquired KTVW/13 Tacoma WA and changed its calls to *KCPQ 9/9/75 (simulcasting for four months); sold and resumed commercial operation 9/29/80.

WKNX-TV, Saginaw MI (4/5/53-9/14/65 ►25)
WCOG-TV, Greensboro NC (CP '52)-
◊ Surrendered 9/29/54.
WQOL, Lima OH (CP '70)
◊ Originally intended to be satellite of WBGU-TV Bowling Green OH, but CP used to move that station from channel 70 instead.
WGLV-TV, Easton PA (8/14/53-10/31/57)
WRBJ, Beloit WI (CP '53)-
◊ Surrendered 10/8/53.
WMLK, Janesville WI (CP '67)-
◊ Granted extension during the 1968 Purge (see Notes), subsequently expired, unbuilt.

KCCA-TV, Sierra Vista AZ (CP '81)-
KAJC-TV, Stockton CA (CP '70)-
◊ Deleted 9/20/72.
WBCK-TV, Battle Creek MI (CP '52)-
◊ Surrendered 9/2/55.
WRTV, Asbury Park NJ (1/22/54-4/1/55)
◊ Granted extension during the 1965 Purge (see Notes); Channel reallocated as non-commercial educational in New Brunswick NJ, replacing channel 19 there. See article for additional details.
WJTN-TV, Jamestown NY (CP '53)-
◊ Surrendered 6/16/54.
KMIV, Miami OK (CP '53)-
◊ Surrendered 3/7/55.

WTVU, New Haven CT
◊ Holds the record (15,259 days) for time elapsed between CP issuance and beginning operation.
WFAM-TV, Lafayette IN (6/15/53-5/16/59 ►18)
◊ Resumed operation 11/15/59 on channel 18. §
WALN-TV, Ashland KY (CP '52)-
◊ Deleted in 1964. See Notes.
WBES-TV, Buffalo NY (9/14/53-12/18/53)-
◊ Second UHF to go dark.
WGGF, Lebanon PA (CP '82)-

*KQEC, San Francisco CA (CP '67)
KDTV, San Francisco CA (8/10/75-3/5/79 ►14)
◊ See the article on KQEC for background on the channel move.
WLXT, Aurora IL (5/18/69-7/17/70)-
WPWR-TV, Aurora IL (4/4/82-1/18/87 ►50)-
◊ WPWR-TV and WBBS-TV shared channel 60 until the latter was bought out by the former; WPWR-TV then acquired the CP for unbuilt WDAI Gary IN, swapped it with the CP for dark *WCAE St. John IN and moved to channel 50 on 1/18/87. *WCAE resumed 11/15/87 on channel 56 as WYIN Gary IN using the WDAI CP. Channel 60 continued operation under new owners as WEHS. See the WPWR-TV section of the article on shared-time stations for a more detailed explanation.
WBBS-TV, West Chicago IL (4/20/82-8/21/86)-
◊ See note under WPWR-TV/60.
WBGT, Richmond KY (CP '53)-
◊ Surrendered 11/6/53.
*WKAR-TV, East Lansing MI (1/15/54-6/28/58)-
◊ Operated a time-share 3/15/59-9/10/72 with commercial WILX-TV on channel 10 as *WMSB Onondonga MI, in which they owned the facilities and WILX-TV paid for their use; it then sold the channel 10 facilities to WILX-TV and resumed as WKAR-TV under a new license on channel 23. See the WMSB section of the article on shared-time stations for a more detailed explanation. §
WTLX-TV, Toledo OH (CP '68)-
WKAP-TV, Bethlehem PA (CP '70)-
◊ Same owners as CP for WQCY/39 (which was deleted 11/22/60). After this CP was also unbuilt, WBRE-TV/28 Wilkes-Barre PA filed for channel 60 in 1974 to operate as a satellite but the application was never approved.

WUHF-TV, Hartford CT (CP '66)-
WFGC, West Palm Beach FL (CP '80)-
WJMR-TV, New Orleans LA (11/1/53-7/20/55 ►20)
WWLP-TV, Springfield MA (3/16/53-6/24/55 ►22)
◊ Resumed 7/2/55 on channel 22. §
WKBF-TV, Cleveland OH (1/19/68-4/24/75)
WHUM-TV, Reading PA (2/10/53-9/4/56)-
WRIP-TV, Chattanooga TN (1/24/72-10/24/81)
◊ Resumed operation 3/4/82. §

WFIE-TV, Evansville IN (11/9/53-7/2/57 ►14)
WAXN, Hammond IN (CP '66)-
◊ Surrendered 11/9/70.
KSPJ, Alexandria LA (CP '53)-
◊ Surrendered 2/8/54.
WBLG-TV/WTVQ-TV, Lexington KY (6/2/68-6/20/80 ►36)
◊ Resumed 6/23/80 on channel 36.
WKYT-TV, Owensboro KY (CP '56)-
◊ Merged with WKXP-TV/27 Lexington KY in 1958 but never surrendered its CP, deleted in the 1965 Purge. See Notes.
WHEF-TV, Brockton MA (CP '53)-
◊ Deleted prior to the 1960 Purge for non-response. See Notes.
WFMD-TV, Frederick MD (CP '52)-
◊ Surrendered 12/24/53.
WXON, Detroit MI (9/15/68-11/13/72)-
◊ Purchased the WJMY CP and resumed operation 12/9/72 on channel 20. §
WGPR-TV, Detroit MI-
◊ Also see footnotes to the article on WJMY.
KPTC-TV, Kansas City MO (CP '65)-
WISE-TV/WANC-TV, Asheville NC (7/5/53-?/??/71 ►21)
WBAS-TV, Syracuse NY (CP '68)-
WKAF, Syracuse NY (CP '82)-

KWIG-TV, Des Moines IA (CP '67)-
◊ Deleted in the 1968 Purge, reinstated in 1971, then surrendered one month later. See Notes.
WAZL-TV, Hazleton PA (CP '52)-
◊ Deleted in the 1960 Purge. See Notes.
WTLL/WVRN, Richmond VA (1/1/84-9/8/88)
◊ Included because CP was granted in 1980; purchased by WRLH-TV and the license surrendered.

WBEC-TV, Pittsfield MA (CP '53)-
◊ Surrendered 6/28/54.
WPFL, Pittsfield MA (CP '61)-
◊ Surrendered 9/13/62.
WBKZ-TV, Battle Creek MI (5/22/53-4/23/54)-
◊ Ninth UHF to go dark, surrendered CP 10/22/54. Also see note under WCBC-TV/26.
WSEW, Oil City PA (CP '62)-
◊ Originally intended to be satellite of WSEE/35 Erie PA.
WCHV-TV, Charlottesville VA (CP '53)-
◊ Surrendered 1/29/54.
WVIR-TV, Charlottesville VA (CP '64)-

WVNE, Vineland NJ (CP '67)-
WERE-TV, Cleveland OH (CP '53)-
◊ Deleted in the 1960 Purge. See Notes.
WDNB-TV, Defiance OH (CP '67)-
◊ Deleted in the 1968 Purge. See Notes.

WFNT, Elgin IL (CP '67)-
◊ Deleted in the 1968 Purge. See Notes.
WTVG, Joliet IL (CP '66)-
◊ Originally granted channel 48; reassigned channel 14 in the 1966 allocation table revision, then assigned channel 66 when channel 14 was assigned to land mobile in 1970.
WHAX-TV, Flint MI (CP '68)-
WKNY-TV, Kingston NY (5/24/54-7/25/56)-
◊ Authorized 6/24/55 to move to channel 21 at Poughkeepsie, but never did; deleted in the 1957 Purge. See Notes.
WLEU-TV, Erie PA (CP '53)-
◊ Surrendered 3/31/55.
WEPA-TV, Erie PA (CP '61)-

WAIV-TV, Anderson IN (CP '68)-
WNES, Indianapolis IN (CP '53)-
◊ Surrendered 1/11/54, following the sale of co-owned KCTY/25 Kansas City MO to DuMont.
WSNL-TV, Patchogue NY (11/18/73-6/13/75, 12/4/79-1/30/80)
◊ Resumed operation six months later as a satellite of WWHT Newark NJ. §
WMTI-TV, Canton OH (CP '67)-
WHHH-TV, Warren OH (CP '52)-
◊ Surrendered 7/10/53.
WFMZ-TV, Allentown PA (12/4/54-4/15/55)-
◊ Deleted in 1964. See Notes. New CP issued 12/9/75 on channel 69 to subsequent owners of WFMZ-FM, which began operation under the same call letters 11/25/76. §
WNOK-TV, Columbia SC (9/1/53-6/30/61 ►19)

WCFG-TV, Birmingham AL (CP '67)-
*KVST-TV, Los Angeles CA (5/5/74-12/23/75)-
WBTB-TV, Newark NJ (9/29/74-12/27/74)
◊ Also see article on WRTV. Resumed operation 9/28/75. §
WMOS-TV, Marion OH (CP '69)-

WPKN, Pekin IL (CP '57)-
WANE-TV, Fort Wayne IN (CP '54)-
◊ Purchased WINT/15 Waterloo IN, moved the WANE-TV call letters there 4/1/57 and surrendered the channel 69 CP.
WMSV, Allentown PA (CP '67)-
WHFV, Fredericksburg VA (10/24/73-5/29/75)

*WBGU-TV, Bowling Green OH (2/10/64-3/24/73 ►57)-
◊ Last full power station on a channel above 69. The first batch of UHF CPs on channels 70 and higher were issued between 1952 and 1954, but by mid-1957 there were no stations operating there (the last being WTPA-TV on channel 71), so those channels were then reserved for "low power community stations" and translators; there is no information available as to why an exception was made for WBGU-TV, although the same exception was apparently made to issue the CP for *WNJE-TV on channel 77. Moved to channel 57 using CP for WQOL Lima OH.

*WCTB, Bridgeport CT (CP '53)-
◊ Deleted in 1966 allocations table revision.
WTPA-TV, Harrisburg PA (6/19/53-6/1/57 ►27)
◊ Purchased the CP and transmitting facilities for WCMB-TV/27, which went dark 4/10/57, then moved the WTPA-TV call letters to channel 27; the channel 71 CP and transmitting facilities were transferred to WCMB-TV as part of the sales agreement. WCMB-TV (by then carrying the call letters WDTV, but still dark) was reallocated channel 33 in 1961 as part of reorganization of allocations in Harrisburg market (see note under WHP-TV/55), then surrendered in 1964 in order for *WITF-TV Hershey PA to be allocated that channel (it had originally been granted channel 65).

WGLM, Lawrence MA (CP '53)-
◊ Surrendered 4/26/54.
WITH-TV, Baltimore MD (CP '52)-
◊ Deleted prior to the 1960 Purge for non-response. See Notes.

WLOK-TV, Lima OH (4/18/53-4/18/55 ►35)
◊ Purchased by the holders of the WIMA-TV CP and resumed operation on channel 35 under those call letters 4/24/55, surrendering the unbuilt CP. §
WFMJ-TV, Youngstown OH (2/9/53-6/1/54 ►21)-
◊ Purchased the CP for WUTV/21 and moved to that channel; channel 73 CP deleted 8/23/54.
WTVU, Scranton PA (8/17/53-7/2/55)-
◊ Authorized 6/15/55 to move to channel 44; went dark to move and never resumed operation. Deleted in the 1965 Purge. See Notes.

WMGT, Adams MA (2/23/54-12/20/54 ►19)
◊ Moved to channel 19 after the channel 74 antenna "burned out", after a three-way change in the allocations table and the surrender of the WFRB/19 CP. See article for details.
WNOP-TV, Newport KY (CP '53)
◊ CP cancelled and replaced 4/5/55, 12/4/56, and 5/28/65. Began operation 8/1/68 as WXIX-TV on channel 19. See article on the Overmyer Network for details.

(Channels 75 and 76 were never allocated by the FCC.)

*WNJE-TV, Glen Ridge NJ (CP '63)-
◊ Deleted 1/21/71.

(Channel 78 was never allocated by the FCC.)

WTOH-TV, Toledo OH (CP '54)-
◊ Deleted in the 1960 Purge. See Notes.

(No full-power applications were ever filed for channels 80 and 81; Channel 82 was never allocated by the FCC.)

WILM-TV, Wilmington DE (CP '53)-
◊ Surrendered 1/17/55.

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